Benefits of Membership

What are the benefits of becoming an ICOM member?

Our members are active in securing safe reliable and efficient products and services for the commercial and industrial heating sector. As a member, you will enjoy the benefits of being part of the trade association that supports and protects the industrial and commercial heating sector.

 Technical service

  • Regular meetings with sector specific groups, allowing discussions about developments in standards and regulations, formulating an industry response to those that affect your business
  • Technical advice and up to date information on standards, legislation and directives, including those under development

Sector specific sales statistics

  • Interactive member’s area of our website with consultations, technical documents and meeting arrangements

Networking opportunities

  • Networking opportunities at every meeting and at industry events — meet with key decision makers and advisors to government
  • The ICOM Luncheon — a well attended, premier event in the commercial and industrial heating calendar. Attended by many of the industry’s leading companies and key decision makers


  • Weekly e-newsletter with current news from the heating industry, updates from ICOM and upcoming events
  • Weekly political monitoring of relevant industry updates
  • Monthly EUA industry and economic statistical summary report

Social Media

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Find us on Twitter


Click here to see the current members of ICOM.